Computer Networks| (Professional Elective) |GR20 Computer Network Notes

Computer Networks


Computer Networks:

  • Uses of Computer Networks
  • Network Hardware
  • Network Software
  • Types of networks
  • Network topologies
  • Layered architecture

Reference Models:

  • OSI
  • TCP/IP
  • Internet
  • ATM header
  • Reference model
  • QoS.

Physical Layer: 

  • Guided Transmission Media
  • Wireless Transmission Media
  • Communication Satellites
  • Switching and Multiplexing
  • Mobile Telephone Network
  • GSM.


Data link layer: 

  • Design Issues
  • Framing
  • Error Detection
  • Elementary Data Link Protocol 
  • Sliding Window Protocols.

Medium Access sub layer: 

  • Static vs. Dynamic Protocol 

Multiple Access Protocols: 

  • CSMA 
  • Collision Free Protocols
  • Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
  • wireless LANS (IEEE 802.11)
  • Bluetooth (IEEE802.15)
  • The Network and internetwork devices.


Network Layer: 

  • Routing Algorithms
  • Flooding
  • Broadcasting 
  • Multicasting

Congestion Control Algorithms:

  • General Principles of Congestion Control
  • Prevention Policies
  • Congestion Control in Virtual and Datagram Subnets
  • QoS on the Internet.

The Network Layer in the Internet:

  • IPv4 Addressing Scheme
  • Subnetting and Masking
  • CIDR, NAT, Intra and Inter domain routing protocols
  • Mobile IP, IPv6 Header Format 
  • Transmission Methods.


Transport Layer: 

  • Transport Services
  • Elements of Transport Protocols.

Transport Layer Protocols: 

  • TCP & UDP protocols
  • TCP Connection Establishment and Release
  • TCP Congestion Control
  • TCP Fast Retransmit and Recovery
  • Slow start Mechanism in TCP
  • Transaction Oriented TCP.


Application Layer:

  • DNS
  • Electronic Mail
  • the World Wide Web


  • Audio and video compression techniques
  • streaming audio and video
  • VOIP.

Computer Networks

For Computer Networks, refer the Textbook given below

👉👉(i) Tannebaum.pdf

👉👉(ii) Wayne_Tomsai.pdf

Unit - 1 👉👉👉   Physical_layer.pdf 

Unit - 2 👉👉👉   Data_Link_Medium_Access.pdf

Unit - 3 👉👉👉    Network_layer.pdf

Unit - 4 👉👉👉    Transport_layer.pdf

Unit - 5 👉👉👉    Application_layer.pdf

Mid -1 pdf 👉👉👉 MID_1_PDF 

Mid -2 pdf ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ mid2.pdf


1.Explain the functions of different layers of OSI Reference model.
2.Explain the functions of different layers of TCP/ IP Reference model. 
3.Write short notes on the following:
  (a) Client server model (b) MAN (c) Interfaces and services (d) Protocols 
4.Discuss about guided and unguided transmission media 
5.With neat diagram, explain ATM cell header format. 
6 Explain ARPANET.
6.Justify how Sliding window protocol with selective repeat is better than Go Back N protocol. 7.Explain the Design Issues of Data Link Layer. 
8.Explain Bit-Map and Binary Countdown collision-free protocols. 
9.Compare Pure Aloha with slotted Aloha multiple access protocols. 
10.What is CSMA? Explain the different types 
11.Illustrate the calculation of code to send 1101010101 using G(x) =x4+x2+1 using 
     Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)method 
12.Give examples for Byte stuffing in Framing 
13.Explain Various Multiplexing Methods.
14.How cellular mobile communication system works 
15.Discuss about the file key assumptions in case of dynamic channel allocation in LANs and WANs? 16 Explain the distance vector routing with an example. 
17 Explain Static and Dynamic Routing Algotithms with Examples. 
17 Explain the two techniques of traffic shaping. 
18 Explain about Dijkstra’s shortest path routing algorithm with example. 
19 Compare and contrast datagram Vs Virtual circuit subnets. 
20 Write a brief note on TCP protocol. And Compare TCP and UDP protocols. 
21 Explain about IPv6.Compare IPv4 and IPv6.
22 Explain in detail the various TCP congestion control policies. 
23 Define Email. Explain components and protocols of an Email. 
24 What is the architecture of WWW? Discuss client and server side functionality of this architecture. 25 Write short notes on the following:
     (a) MIME (b) Audio compression (c) DNS (d) Voice over IP(VOIP)
26 Explain Initial connection protocol.
27 When user clicks a hyperlink, what are the steps that occur between the user’s click and the page being displayed?
28 Header Formats of IPV4, IPV6, TCP and UDP. 
29 Define Subnet Masking? What are the Different Types of Classes. 
30 Explain CIDR 
31 Explain Congestion Control Algorithms(leaky bucket,……)
32 Explain Elements of Transport Protocol
33 Explain the following a) DNS b) FTP c) HTTP d) TELNET 
34 Define Multimedia ? Write Components of Multimedia 
35 Explain Audio Compression Technique

1. What are the factors that determine whether a communication system is a LAN or WAN? 
2. Define Computer Network. List out its uses. 
3. What are the advantages of Networks? 
4. Differentiate UTP and STP. 
5. Define Protocol. List any two Protocols. 
6. Differentiate OSI Model and TCP/IP Model. 
7. Draw the protocol structure of TCP/IP. 
 8. Define Topology. What are the various network topologies available?
 9. List main components in data communication 
10.Is mesh topology is reliable? Justify your answer 
11.Define Computer Network. List out its uses 

1. What are the design issues of data link layer?
 2. Briefly discuss about channel allocation problem.
 3. How can you compare thin and thick Ethernet? 
4. List the functions of media access control sublayer. 
5. What are the design issues of Data Link Layer?
 6. Difference between Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA. 
7. List out the categories of Ethernet. 8. Define Pico Net. 
9. Define Hamming distance? Calculate the hamming distance between 101010 and 100010 
10.Define Pico net and scatter net

1. Define Routing and list out the Routing Algorithms. 
2. How to define QoS in network layer?
3. What is difference between congestion control and flow control?
 4. State limitations of IPV4. 
5. List any two services provided by Network Layer. 
6. Define QoS. 
7. Define Congestion. List the various mechanisms to control the Congestion.
 8. State the importance of TTL Field. 
9. Differentiate unicast, multicast and broadcast 
10.How Tunnelling helps in networks 

1. List out the transport layer services. 
2. What are the techniques for restricting packet lifetime? 
3. What is silly window syndrome problem in TCP? 
4. If UDP is so powerless, why would a process wants to use it?
 5. Write about Tunneling. 
6. Explain Packet Fragmentation. 
7. Draw the header format of UDP? 
 8. Differentiate Fin & SYN Flags. 
 9. List What are the responsibilities of Transport layer 
10.What is TTL and give the role of TTL in networks

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