Engineering Chemistry || GR20 Chemistry Notes

Engineering Chemistry

Unit I

Atomic and Molecular Structure:

  • Atomic and molecular orbitals,
  • Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)
  • Molecular orbitals of homo-nuclear diatomic molecules
  • MO energy diagrams of N2, and O2
  • Metallic bonding
  • Valence Bond Theory
  • Crystal Field Theory
  • Crystal Field Splitting of transition metal ion d-orbitals in tetrahedral
  • octahedral, and square planar geometries.

Unit II

Spectroscopic Techniques and Applications:

  • Regions of electromagnetic spectrum
  • Molecular spectroscopy 

Rotational Spectroscopy: 

  • Rotation of molecules
  • rotational spectra of rigid diatomic molecules
  • selection rules

Vibrational Spectroscopy: 

  • The vibrating diatomic molecule
  • simple and an harmonic oscillators of a diatomic molecule
  • selection rules
  • applications of IR spectroscopy. 

NMR Spectroscopy: 

  • criteria for NMR activity (Magnetic and nonmagnetic nuclei)
  • basic concepts and principle of 1H NMR spectroscopy
  • Chemical shift
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging.


Unit III

Electrochemistry and Corrosion:


  • Electrode potential

types of electrodes: 

  • calomel and glass electrodes construction and working
  • electrochemical series and applications

electrochemical cells: 

  • Galvanic & electrolytic cells
  • Nernst equation- applications
  • numerical problems


  • primary and secondary types
  • lithium metal
  • lithium ion and lead acid batteries

Types of Fuel cells: 

  • hydrogen- oxygen fuel cell 
  • applications and advantages
  • microbial fuel cell


  • Definition
  • causes and effects of corrosion,
  • The opries of chemical and electro chemical corrosion with mechanism

Types of corrosion - 

  • Galvanic, concentration cell and pitting corrosions
  • factors affecting corrosion (Nature of metal & Nature of Environment)

corrosion control methods: 

  • Proper designing, 
  • cathodic protection (sacrificial anodic and impressed current cathodic protection)

Metallic coatings: 

  • Hot dipping- Galvanization and tinning
  • electroplating
  • electroless plating of nickel.

Unit IV

Engineering Materials and Water Technology: 


  • Si and Ge, preparation
  • purification and crystal growth by zone refining and Czachorowski pulling methods
  • doping
  • Polymeric Materials
  • plastics-classification
  • types of polymerizations
  • properties of polymers crystallinity
  • Compounding and fabrication by compression Moulding and injection Moulding

conducting polymers 

  • definition
  • classification
  • applications of conducting polymers in mobile phones and displays 


  • impurities
  • hardness-causes of hardness
  • types, Units
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  • Boiler troubles-scales and sludges
  • caustic embrittlement
  • water purification by reverse osmosis (RO)method.

Unit V

Stereochemistry and Energy Resources

Stereo chemistry: 

  • Representations of 3D structures for organic molecules

stereo isomers: 

  • Conformational and Configurational isomers. 

Conformational isomers: 

  • conformational analysis of n-butane. 

Configurational isomers: 

  • geometrical isomers (E, Z isomers) and optical isomers. 

Optical isomers: 

  • symmetry, 
  • chirality, 
  • enantiomers, 
  • diastereomers, 
  • optical activity. 
  • Structure, synthesis and pharmaceutical applications of aspirin and ibuprofen.

Energy sources: 

  • Fossil Fuels: Coal –types, analysis of coal- proximate and ultimate analysis and their significance, Petroleum-its composition-synthetic petrol – Fischer Tropsch’s process, 
  • cracking - Definition and its significance, knocking and its mechanism in Internal Combustion engine, Octane rating
  • Composition and Uses of Natural gas
  • LPG and CNG
  • biodiesel synthesis
  • biogas.


**All Units Notes pdf's**

 ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰   Gr_20_ec_pdf   {SUGGESTED }

Unit- 1

👉👉👉   unit1_pdf

Unit- 2 👇




Unit- 3  ðŸ‘‡


Unit- 4 ðŸ‘‡


As I shared here what notes I have of chemistry, all these are my handwritten notes,

It is not sufficient for exam.

as I suggest you download all notes pdf which i shared above starting one.

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